This religion was not so much in practice and there were 36 percent of kirat population following kirat religion, but when it was recognized by Iman Singh Chemjong, it increased by75 percent.3.6 percent of nepali follow this religion.This religion is followed by Limbu people having their own distinct religion known as Yuma Samyo or Yamaism, the believer of supreme almighty goddess Tagera Ningwaphuma.In this religion, people worship mother nature and their ancestors.
Sakela is the main festival of Kirat which is celebrated twice a year distinguished by two names Ubhauli and Udhauli. Sakela Ubhauli is celebrated during Baisakh Purnima(full moon day, which lies in the month of Baisakh.And Sakela Udhauli is celebrated during the full moon day in the month of mangshir.This celebration is the prayer to goddess of nature for good crops and protection from natural calamities.The celebration of Sakela is also known as Chandi Nach.On Chandi Nach, they worship Durga, who is known to them as chandi or chandika.Tihar is another festival that is celebrated by kirat people which is one of the greatest festival of nepal.
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